Tag Archives: Revenues
The Assumptions Behind Our Models
Posted on 17. Aug, 2009 by Matthew Sollars.
Some points about the assumptions baked into our models: We settled on a $12 cpm as a conservative benchmark, based on feedback from a number of news organizations, large and small. Indeed, we commonly heard a range of $15 to $20 cpm. In terms of for-profit startups that replicate what we are calling the New […]
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News Innovators on the Frontline: Pegasus News
Posted on 06. Aug, 2009 by Matthew Sollars.
Mike Orren launched Pegasus News in 2006 with the idea that local neighborhood news is more important “than things happening on the other side of town.” Now the site covers what appears to be every neighborhood in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Although Pegasus has gone through some corporate turnover, it is now owned by Gap […]