Tag Archives: Fresno Famous

Public Support for Media – Wrap-up

Posted on 27. Oct, 2008 by .


Jan Schaffer- J-Lab: rapporteur for the Public Support group. Possibilities for public support of news media are clustering in some key areas – foundation grants, member donations, targeted micro-payments, and government support. Our group discussed how some forms of public support can threaten a news operation’s independence, either by funding coverage of certain topics to […]

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The people formerly known as the audience

Posted on 10. Oct, 2007 by .


Participants: Dan Pacheco, Northwest Voice, John Wilpers, Boston Now; Jarah Euston, Fresno Famous; Dan Barkin, Raleigh News and Observer Moderator: David Cohn The panelists talked of their development of user-generated content on the local level, involving those who Barkin called “people formerly known as the audience.”

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Jarah Euston – Fresno Famous

Posted on 18. Sep, 2007 by .


Introduction and Narrative: Fresno Famous launched April 1st, 2004 when Jarah Euston moved back to Fresno from New York. In her early 20’s and feeling alienated from her home town Euston had no idea what Fresno had to offer in terms of night life or a music scene. That was the imputes of Fresno Famous, […]

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