The Future of TV News in Jersey
Posted on 28. Jul, 2008 by David Cohn.
From Boss Jarvis.
“The Star-Ledger in New Jersey just broadcast its first live, daily noon news show on the web and I’m delighted to report that it bears no resemblance to television. That was the point….This is the only contribution I made to the project: I introduced them in Michael Rosenblum and the chemistry was a thing to behold.”
I’m not sure if that introduction occurred at the Networked Journalism Summit, but both parties were there.
Here’s Hassell’s blog post about the show. Heres Rosenblum’s.
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David Mastio – Blogospheric Election Coverage
Posted on 09. Jun, 2008 by David Cohn.
From David Mastio: Follow the state-level and congressional elections through the eyes of bloggers actually on the ground.
“The idea is simple — you go to Google blog search or Technorati or Memeorandum and look for info on local or even statewide elections, you’re going to end up with posts from blogs halfway across the country or about entirely different races. BNN/Elections brings you the posts from left and right from bloggers who are actually on the scene — the bloggers who have been writing about local and state politics, who go to the speeches and know the players down to the precinct captain level.”
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Interview – Ellen Miller, Sunlight Foundation
Posted on 04. Jun, 2008 by David Cohn.
Continuing to keep a record of where people go post-Networked Journalism Summit, here’s an interview with the Sunlight Foundation’s Ellen Miller. You can see a past interview with Bill Allison here.
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NewsTools at Yahoo – The Conversations Continue
Posted on 05. May, 2008 by David Cohn.
Many of the attendees of the NewsTools conference at Yahoo were also part of the Networked Journalism Summit in New York. I tried to track a few of them down to find out what they are up to now and what’s next.
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Birthin’ Barista’s babe
Posted on 01. May, 2008 by David Cohn.
Via Jeff Jarvis
I’m proud to say that this is one of the outcomes of the Networked Journalism conference at CUNY last fall:
Baristanet and the Star-Ledger are joining to create a cobranded print guide to the Barista’s turf, Montclair, NJ, with content from both partners, Star-Ledger distribution, and shared effort on the advertising.
So a blogger and a newspaper are making business together. Bravo.
Debbie Galant announces the birth today:
Baristanet is again making news in the media world. This time, it’s our partnership with the Star Ledger (yes, the Star Ledger!) to create a print guide to Montclair. Last week, Baristanet founder Debbie Galant and Star Ledger editor in chief Jim Willse spoke about the partnership to a group of newspaper and web editors from all over the world.
The official matchmaker was new media evangelist Jeff Jarvis, who suggested the partnership during his Networked Media Summit in New York last October.
The co-branded 36-page “Explore Montclair” guide will have stories by Baristanet and the Ledger, and even a special Montclair crossword puzzle by Tony Orbach. It goes out to 70,000 readers on May 15. If you’re not a home subscriber, you’ll be able to pick it up at the Montclair Public Library and many other locations (more on that later.)
The ad reservation deadline is tomorrow. If you want to underwrite history, let us know right away.
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BostonNOW – Despite Growing is Shutting Down
Posted on 14. Apr, 2008 by David Cohn.
Via Lucas Grindley
In response to the numerous e-mails I’ve gotten but haven’t had time to respond to, that headline pretty much sums it up.
From every indicator, BostonNOW was heading in all the right directions. Circulation was shooting upward and revenues were following. Since I took over the reigns at the Web site just over a month ago, some plans had made it live . . . just not my favorites.
Then the investors from Iceland quit paying the bill. I don’ t know much about that.
Read more: from Lucas Grindley and BostonNow itself.
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Leonard Witt – Representative Journalism
Posted on 14. Mar, 2008 by David Cohn.
Chris Densmore, Chris Peck and Leonard Witt spent a big part of yesterday with our Northfield, Minnesota collaborators at Locally Grown, where the first Representative Journalismexperiment will take place.
Representative Journalism is Leonard Witt’s project to experiment in new business models of journalism. You can listen to the podcast where Leonard and the rest talk about the idea here.
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Bill Densmore – Journalism That Matters
Posted on 10. Mar, 2008 by David Cohn.
Bringing technologists and journalists into closer orbit with other is one longterm goal of the Networked Journalism Summit, and several of NetJourn’s participants are now hard at work on an event in Silicon Valley to do just that. is a project of the Journalism That Matters collaborative set for April 30-May 3 at the Yahoo! Sunnyvale corporate training center.
It’s an opportunity for journalists and programmers to share part of their cultures and find a common ground where they can build and develop tools that will benefit journalism and community.
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Jennifer Carroll – Gannett
Posted on 10. Mar, 2008 by David Cohn.
Our major focus now is leveraging our new social networking tools across the company to engage communities, improve crowdsourcing and watchdog reporting. We’ve developed deep resource sites with examples and best practices. The Democrat and Chronicle just launched today with a networking site for Young Professionals and Wine Lovers. Check out the new design and format at The Young Professionals site includes blogs, photo galleries, forums, links to places to volunteer, calendars, etc. We’re engaging schools, community civic and ethnic groups, nonprofits, churches, etc. to help build their own networked sites and connect.
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Rachel Sterne –
Posted on 10. Mar, 2008 by David Cohn.
Since the summit, GroundReport has focused on international coverage and syndication. We’re syndicating content so that people can find GroundReport stories wherever they live online. One tool that helps people get GroundReport is our news widget, which works on iGoogle, Apple dashboard, Netvibes and Vista. We’ve also integrated with Technorati and are working to do the same with Topix and Daylife.
For groundbreaking international reporting, we are working with Columbia University Professor Anne Nelson, who studies new media and the developing world at SIPA. We’re looking forward to publishing her latest investigation of new media and development, creating an ongoing collaboration with her students and evolving GroundReport’s platform with her guidance.
One more addition, we’ll be part of Netvibes’ sponsored search results for Ginger, their new, more social news platform. You can find us in the press release.