Archive for 'Uncategorized'

In the newsroom: Hassell don't have the foggiest idea

Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


The group moves on. Before we decide what the future newsroom look like we have to define our product. We need to know what kind of content we want to produce before we can agree on a newsroom organization. Andrew Heyward suggests, after some discussion, to settle on this: We’re a startup. We’ve bought a […]

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Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


News is now about curation.  Kramer: media companies will have to take responsibility of showing people the difference between news, press releases, and “amateur journalism” where often this content can be aggregated and in business for example, people can get burned. This makes revenue models even more difficult.

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Public Support.6 A New Model?

Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


Jay Rosen asks about ideas arising for a new model for funding public journalism. David Cohn of Spot.Us says their stories are funded with average donations of $33.  Funding for stories has slowed since the economic crisis.   “Normally people don’t think about donating to journalism,” Cohn says.  “Unless you’re an accredited brand like NPR.” […]

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New Structures for News Organizations—-What is the Essence of Journalism

Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


“We are doing a lot of things wrong,” begins Jim Willse, editor of the Star Ledger, while talking about the current state of the newspaper industry. He then continues to speak about his own experience at the Star Ledger.  “We thought we were commercially sound until recently,” says Willse. Today, 334 people showed up to […]

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Kramer: Advertising World Way Behind News World

Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


Advertisers are having trouble figuring out what content to create and how to get it to people on the web. Everything on all ends, news, advertising, is in a period of transition.

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Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


You can’t compare internet revenues to print revenues. The scales are different. Everyone is trying to scale revenue up to cost rather than scale cost down to revenue, which is what happens with the web. How can we make 1/10 of one penny on a zero-cost model?

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Public Support.5 NPR continued

Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


Peter Osnos of PublicAffairs Books says public radio has defended its editorial integrity better than any form of media, and is now beyond dispute.   Adam Davidson pushes back:  the niche audience that listens to radio while going about daily activities will diminish.  “It’s not that we’re going to be competing with Rush and Rush […]

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Morgan: A significant data economy has been created

Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


The ownership of data on visitors is tantamount to being a publisher and owning content. Fred Wilson: it creates more CPMS and it’s a good marketing tool.

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Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


Obituaries in community papers generate a lot of CPMs.  it’s all about different models of aggregation. The person who sells the ad does not necessarily work for the company where the ad is displayed. Larry Kramer: A lot of publishers are scared to disturb their current ad relationships.

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Network Models for News and Media (Why People Join Networks)

Posted on 23. Oct, 2008 by .


So why would people join a network? (Mark Josephson – Outside.In) The main thing is that it gives people a sense of belonging that is greater than themselves To help people who wants to be stars to become stars To help people make money with Ads To provide tools to make you better To provide […]

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