Archive for 'Hyperlocal'

Hyperlocal Boston

Posted on 16. Oct, 2009 by .


Now that The New York Times Company has decided not to sell the Boston Globe, wonders whether the company should convert Boston to a hyperlocal-based business. Well, our Knight Foundation-funded New Business Models for News can be a roadmap. Indeed, the 5-million-person hypothetical market we worked on looks an awful lot like Boston (because, […]

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The X Prizes for news (and media)

Posted on 25. Sep, 2009 by .


A conversation with our Knight Foundation friends at Aspen inspired me to think through what an X Prize for news could accomplish. Then this week’s report in the New York Times about the awarding of the NetFlix X Prize – and the far greater value it created, not just for NetFlix, but for its participants […]

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The Survey Results

Posted on 17. Sep, 2009 by .


The foundation of the business models we built this summer was data culled from an online survey we conducted of web entrepreneurs. We asked online startups from across the country to give us a confidential glimpse at the nuts and bolts of their businesses. We sent invitations to hundreds of online news organizations, from hyperlocal […]

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Local business help from Google

Posted on 05. Sep, 2009 by .


Google just started a newsletter to help local businesses make better use of Google ads and tools. The first issue.

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New Organizations, New Relationships

Posted on 19. Aug, 2009 by .


We’ve heard a lot about our forecasts for advertising revenues in the New News Organization this week (mostly asserting that our cpm and penetration assumptions are too optimistic). But, it seems our other goal–to envision a sustainable business built on a diversity of revenues–has been largely overlooked. In fact, in year three of our NNO […]

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The New Ad Network

Posted on 19. Aug, 2009 by .


Ad networks have come a long way from those annoying punch-the-monkey banners used to fill remnant ad space. But while innovative networks like Glam Media are continually building new tools and services to connect online publishers with highly targeted ads for their audiences, the majority of them still focus on national advertising paired with the […]

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Community Training in the Ecosystem

Posted on 18. Aug, 2009 by .


One function that runs throughout the entire ecosystem is the role of community training — both in editorial coverage and ad sales. The New News Organization plays an important role here as an outlet for experienced, professional journalists to train local bloggers and citizen journalists how to cover their communities with more depth, detail and […]

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Thank You and Keep 'em Coming

Posted on 18. Aug, 2009 by .


So far we received a lot of interesting responses since the FOCAS conference kicked off yesterday and we look forward to reading more as we continue to break down our individual models. This project is all about interactivity and we wouldn’t have moved past the theoretical phase without your input. That goes for our 113 […]

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Hyperlocal Revenues, Yes, They're High

Posted on 18. Aug, 2009 by .


The figures we used for our Hyperlocal model were based on three market sizes — small (20K), medium (35K), and large (60K) — supported by a broader Framework of local businesses and ad networks. Yes, our work assumes that “in a metro market of 5 million people, the hyperlocal network will be able to get […]

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The Assumptions Behind Our Models

Posted on 17. Aug, 2009 by .


Some points about the assumptions baked into our models: We settled on a $12 cpm as a conservative benchmark, based on feedback from a number of news organizations, large and small. Indeed, we commonly heard a range of $15 to $20 cpm. In terms of for-profit startups that replicate what we are calling the New […]

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