Coeds Create CoPress – Innovation from the Ground Up

Posted on 22. Jan, 2009 by in Networks, Newsroom, Technology, Tools

If you are ever worried about the fate of our the journalism industry take a moment to check out and appreciate CoPress – building a better ecosystem for college publications.

This is a fantastic case of young journalists scratching their own itch. The group recently formed their own nonprofit and are discussing what they need to do to get to the next step.

Next step? They are already getting college publications off College Publisher and onto WordPress. They are being the change they want to see in the world. They are already making waves, their next step is simply iteration and scaling.

Meet Greg Linch one of the forces behind CoPress who gives more details.

4 Responses to “Coeds Create CoPress – Innovation from the Ground Up”

  1. Joey Baker

    23. Jan, 2009

    Thanks to Dave and Greg for this! As open as we try to be, I don’t think we’ve done a ‘state of copress’ summary in a long time, and certainly not on video.

    A couple of points I’d like to address:
    • Greg says “there’s nothing wrong with College Publisher.” I’m here to tell you, not as a member of CoPress, but as a CP user, that there’s a lot wrong with their software. It’s slow, hard to use, requires HTML knowledge to do anything complex, ad revenue sharing is very skewed in their favor, their service is notoriously slow, search doesn’t function well, and I have yet to see a design I like running on CP. CoPress is offering WordPress based solutions (for now). I’ll be the first to admit, the WP isn’t the 100% answer, but it does a heckuva lot better than CP.
    • Dave: though I love your title, we’re male-only right now. Any Coeds wanna join the team? 🙂

    Cheers both!

  2. Greg Linch

    22. Jul, 2009

    Did I really say “there’s nothing wrong with CP” in the video? Yeah, ditto to Joey — there’s a lot wrong. Maybe I was just trying to be diplomatic.


  1. Greg Linch on CoPress - Daniel Bachhuber - January 22, 2009

    […] Linch was interviewed by David Cohn in the past week about CoPress which is way, way […]

  2. Who I’ve Learned From - 107 Interviews « DigiDave - Journalism is a Process, Not a Product - May 13, 2009

    […] CoPress Kids: Greg Lynch and Daniel […]