On Murdoch & Google and news

Posted on 19. Nov, 2009 by in Paid Content

I appeared on NPR’s On Point today to discuss Murdoch v. Google with Michael Wolff and Steve Brill and also got to talk about our New Business Models for News Project. You can listen here.

The show’s blog quoted me thusly:

But News Corp isn’t the only one making the mistake here. I think the mistake that Google has made in this – and I’m an admirer of Google, I wrote a book to that effect – but I think that Google thought that they could become friends with the newspaper industry. And the newspaper industry isn’t looking for friends. They’re looking for enemies they can blame for the problems that are actually their own from the last fifteen years of inaction in the face of this dying light. And so it’s impossible for Google to become friends with the newspaper industry.

(Our project was funded by the Knight Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the McCormick Foundation.)


One Response to “On Murdoch & Google and news”

  1. HB Zane

    20. Nov, 2009

    You and MIchael Wolfe would do well to revisit the audio tape of your appearance on Tom Ashbrook. Maybe it’ll be a wake up call.

    Your shrill bullying advocacy of your own views and your boorish behavior as guests of one of the more outstanding, fair-minded journalistic professionals working today was undoubtedly the nadir in NPR’s distinguished journalistic history. Way to go fellas. We’ve witnessed more reasoned defensiveness from insecure middle-school students..

    You certainly demonstrated the peril of a “cacaphony of voices. . . “.

    Shall I await your ranting rejoinder?